Läser W G Sebalds Svindel. Känslor. En lite kul och annorlunda bok. Förströelse, typ. Får då och då associationer av minläsning, bland annat till mina förestående resor till Berlin och New York. Berlin i februari är kylslaget och det blir mörkt tidigt. Behöver en planerad struktur för att det inte ska bli tråkigt, är där längre än vanligt: lördag till söndag.
”Are bats special?” besvaras på en konferens, eller ett besök på ”eat! berlin” – festivalen för bon vivants 2017, kanske Helmut Newton’s Private Property. På Martin Gropius Bau visas Omer Fast, “Talking is not always the solution”.
Försöker registrera mig för Photography in Berlins newsletter: ”För många registreringsförsök har gjorts med denna e-postadress. Försök igen om 5 minuter. (#8926)” ??? Nytt försök, ”bekräfta att du är människa – jag är ingen robot”, ”klicka på alla bilder som visar ett hus” ”klicka på alla bilder som visar en butiksfasad”. Jisses, är det Fort Knox, eller?! Gör samma med C/O Berlin, enklare procedur.
Nio minuter från mitt berlinhotell ligger Hamburger Bahnhof – museum für Gegenwart – Berlin, som verkar vara värt ett besök.
Återstår att komma ihåg allt när jag står där vecka nio.
Eric Kim´s tips till nybörjare:
7. What you subtract from a frame is more important than what you add to a frame. Having a good composition in photography is more about what you decide to subtract from the frame, rather than what you decide to add to the frame. For example, many beginner photographers have the issue of making a photo that is too cluttered. Not only that, but they are generally too far away from their subject. So instead of trying to add more information to your frame, seek to subtract distractions, noise, and superfluous elements. So the next time you’re making a photograph, think to yourself: “Is this element in my frame adding or distracting to my image?” When in doubt, subtract from the frame.
8. The most important question to ask yourself in photography: “Why do I make photos?” To start off, ask yourself these questions:
- Why did I first pick up a camera?
- Why did I first start taking photos?
- Why does photography bring me joy?
By answering these questions, you will better discover who you are as a photographer and human being. One of the lessons I’ve also learned in photography is that the point of photography isn’t to become a great photographer. The point of photography is to enjoy your life.
9. Buy books, not gear. I’ve spent thousands of dollars on camera equipment over the years. I regret about 90% of my purchases. However I’ve also spent thousands of dollars of photography books over the years. I regret 0% of my purchases. Any camera you buy today will be redundant or outdated in about 5–10 years. Any photography book you buy today will probably still be relevant 5–10 years from now. If anything, many of your photography books (if you buy art books) will increase in value. You are what you eat. Therefore if you look at great photography (especially in the form of photography books), you will aspire to make great images. You will learn what makes a great photograph, what great composition is, and how to make a body of work that lasts through the years and decades.