Berlin Stockholm

Kantareller för välbefinnande

Det regnar! Det regnar från fel håll! Det regnar in genom mitt öppna sovrumsfönster!

Har tagit nya tag och ny kontakt med Binerosupporten då nya versionen av WordPress inte åtgärdade mitt problem med att jag inte har någon visuell editor längre.

Kollar lite på att göra en bok av Berlinbilderna men blir inte klok på det jag laddar hem från Blurb. Första boken jag gjorde var hur enkel som helst. Ska kolla igen. Så, nu kanske det funkar. Gäller att kolla ordentligt och orka läsa engelskan.


Eric Kim:
”Learn From the Masters Lesson 6: Provoke Your Subjects

Rather than catching people unaware, they show the face they want to show. Unposed, caught unaware, they might reveal ambiguous expressions, brows creased in vague internal contemplation, illegible, perhaps meaningless. Why not allow the subject the possibility of revealing his attitude toward life, his neighbor, even the photographer?” – William Klein

There is a general scorn in street photography against “posed” photos (or photos that aren’t shot candidly). A lot of people follow the Henri Cartier-Bresson school of street photography in which the photographer shouldn’t interact with his/her subjects, and to be an unattached observer.

However there is more than one approach to street photography. On the other extreme of Henri Cartier-Bresson (who covered his silver Leica with black tape to be more discrete) is William Klein; a street photographer who gave a middle-finger to all of the “rules” in photography, and acted like a director on the streets. He would provoke his subjects, and interact with them.

But once you engage your subjects and ask them to do something for you, doesn’t it make the photograph less legitimate? Doesn’t the photograph become less about the subject, and more about you?

Every photograph we take is a self-portrait of ourselves. We decide how to filter reality. We decide what to put into the frame and what to exclude. So don’t have any personal qualms about showing your own version of reality through your photography. Embrace it.”


Man skulle kanske ta en skogspromenad i morgon. Kolla efter kantareller, även om konkurrensen nog är för stor. Det bor fler svampplockare än jag i Orminge, förmodar jag. Men ändå, för motionens och det allmänna välbefinnandets skull.

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