
Nya tider, nya murar

Nya tider, nya murar

I dag minns världen berlinmurens fall. Själv besökte jag inte Berlin förrän förra året och har bara sett resterna av den mur som inneslöt Västberlin. Nionde november är dock inte bara ett datum att minnas för murens skull.

”On November 9th the Berlin Wall fell and shortly after Germany was reunited.

So why don’t the Germans celebrate the reunion at that date? Also on November 9, the following happened:

1918: The German Emperor Wilhelm II must abdicate. The Social Democrat Philipp Scheidemann proclaims the “German Republic”. This creates the Weimar Republic, the first democracy in Germany.

1923: The Hitler-Ludendorff-Coup, aka the Beerhall-Revolution. Hitler first tried to seize power with the storming of the Feldherrenhalle in Munich. The date was chosen deliberately. Hitler wanted to make up for the ”shame” of 1918.

1938: Night of the Pogrom in the German Reich. Institutions and businesses of Jews and synagogues are being systematically destroyed and burned by the Nazis. Certainly one of the darkest days of German history.

1969: A precursor of the left-wing terrorist Baader-Meinhof group, the Tupamaros West Berlin, placed a bomb in the Jewish community in Berlin. However, the bomb did not explode. The remarkable thing is that the first attack on Jewish life in Germany after the Nazi period starts from the radical left. The Tupamaros got the bomb from a undercover agent of the German secret service.

1974: After 58 days of hunger strike Holger Meins became the first left radical terrorist died in custody. The radical left transfigures him into a martyr.

1989: The Berlin Wall falls.”

Tecken i asfalten
Tecken i asfalten

Berlinmuren föll, den nya muren omfattar istället hela EU och syftar till att hålla den fattiga och krigsdrabbade omvärlden utanför.

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